2. Open up the downloaded plugin and this will result in the following picture where (1.) is the downloaded .zip file and (2.) is the plugin bundle which you can get by double clicking the .zip file.
3. Then open Airmail and go to Menu Bar. You will find two plugin related options ( Plugins and Show Plugins Folder ) which will be important in getting the plugin activated. The options are in the following picture.
4. Choose the option ‘Show Plugins Folder’ and then you will find this window as shown in the picture below and perform the explained process.
5. Then choose the second option (Plugins) from the same list as shown in point 3 and you will find a window as shown in the picture below. Choose from the window “Reload Plugins” and then enable the “Read Receipts” plugin.
How to use the “Read Receipts” Plugin?
1. When the plugin is enabled as explained above, you can find the icon for read receipts as shown in the picture below.
2. If you want the read receipts ON, for all messages that you send out as a default option. Please choose Read Receipts ‘Always’ from Airmail Preferences > Accounts > [Account] > Composer > Read Receipts, as shown in the picture below.
To find the read receipts, please select read receipts to appear in the folder panel from ‘ Favorites ’ and then you can see them as shown in the picture below.
Please note that the “Read Receipts” enabled messages can be seen in the sent folder too, with the eye icon on them.
The read receipt will also notify you as a normal Airmail notification and will appear in the top right corner of your desktop as shown in the picture below.
Yellow — If you are sending a read receipt activated message to a group and only a few of the recipients have read the message and not all, the eye will be of yellow color.
Blue — If all the recipients have read the message, the eye will be if blue color.
Grey — If none of the recipients have read the message, then the eye will be of grey color.