Your credit report is a record of your credit activity and history. It includes the names of companies, banks or lenders including mobile phone application lenders such as Tala and Branch that have extended you credit and/or loans, as well as the credit limits, loan amounts and your payment history. You can think of it as your financial cv; it tells the story of your financial health to potential lenders and banks usually use your credit report when assessing whether to lend you a loan. A credit report makes it easier for good customers to distinguish themselves from persistent defaulters, hence keeping their reputation intact
Where can I get my Credit Report?
Your credit report is available in different formats and places. There are three Credit Reference Bureaus in Kenya and all of them provide Credit Reports. You can access your Credit Report in Kenya from any or all of the 3 CRBS in Kenya using the following channels:
TransUnion CRB – You can access you credit report by downloading the Transunion Nipashe App from Google Playstore or you can sms your name to 21272 to check your credit status. You can also contact TransUnion Kenya CRB using:
Metropol CRB – You can access your Metropol credit report by downloading the Metropol App from Google Playstore or by dialing the Metropol USSD Short Code *433#. You can also contact Metropol Crb using these contacts
Credit Info – You can get your Credit Info Credit report by getting in touch with Credit Info CRB using the following contacts: